CSBOP Winter Race Series
We are super excited to announce that the Canoe Slalom BOP Winter Race Series is back for 2024. This exciting series has been designed to give everyone the opportunity to gain valuable race experience in a number of venues and hopefully go on to claim the title of Winter Race Series Champion!
The Winter Race Series will be comprised of the following three races for 2024:
- North Island Champs Kawerau (19th May 2024)
- CSBoP Club Kawerau Race Day (18th August 2024)
- Nationals at Mangahao (3rd - 6th October 2024)
To calculate the overall winner, you will be awarded points throughout the series in each class on the following basis:
1. 1st equals 1 point, 2nd equals 3 points, 3rd equals 5 points, 4th equals 7 points, 5th equals 8 points, then adding 1 point for each subsequent position;
2. A “Did Not Finish” (DNF) receives a point score attributed to the last athlete plus one point.
3. Tie breakers will be decided on the fourth race result
We know that is can be difficult to get to every race so the final scores will be calculated on your best three results.
Athletes are eligible to compete in the following categories K1M/ K1W/ C1M and C1W.
2025 Secondary Schools
See 2025 Secondary Schools in Tekapo for details on that event.