About Us

Canoe Slalom is one of the most spectacular watersports, demanding skill, stamina and courage.  The aim is to run a rapid river course fast, and without touching the gates that make up the course. Pitting yourself against powerful water is what makes slalom an exciting sport that always challenges.

You will make new friends while learning about rivers and the natural environment.

Our motto is Paddle for Fun, Race to Win

Canoe Slalom BOP has coaches out on the water or on the river bank every day of the week. These coaches work with a huge range of paddlers from those just beginning their journey through to those who represent New Zealand at Junior, U23 and Senior Level.

To cater for the needs of such a diverse group, Canoe Slalom BOP, along with Canoe Slalom New Zealand, has developed two separate syllabuses. These are:

The Paddle Passport syllabus is an entry level programme to get started in kayaking. There are four levels to the programme and at completion paddlers have the ability to perform basic kayaking strokes in a flat water environment.

The 5 Star Award is a progression from the paddle passport for those who want to further develop their skills through the sport of Canoe Slalom. This award has 5 levels and set criteria must be met at each level to achieve the award.

For more information about the club training programmes or to get involved please contact Nico Baudoin via Email or on 0220700817.

Nico Baudoin
022 070 0817
Adria Martin Castillo
022 199 5274
Anna Swindells
Jeanette MacLennan
Nikki Pateman
Lyn Egan
Jude Guccione
Janette Williams
Cameron Jefferies
Kim Blair
Teresa Way
Tracey Hall-Groos
Ordinary Member
Tim Rex
Ordinary Member