Paddle Passport & 5 Star Award

The Paddle Passport syllabus is an entry level programme to get started in kayaking. There are four levels of the programme and at the completion the participant would have the ability to perform basic kayaking strokes in a flat water environment.

The 5 Star Award is a progression from the paddle passport and for those participants who want to further develop their skills through the sport of Canoe Slalom. This award has 5 levels and set criteria must be met at each level to achieve the award.

For more information about the club training programmes or to get involved please contact Irene Euges via or 0220700817

The 5 Star Award

The 5 Star Award Syllabus is a safe, fun and enjoyable way for  participants to learn the skills required to compete in a canoe slalom race. It provides progressive achievable goals that motivate participants as they learn and develop into Canoe Slalom paddlers. The 5 Star Award Syllabus is delivered both in a flat water environment and  in a white water environment which is appropriate to the level of paddler to ensure that the paddler has sufficient opportunities to refine their skills.

5 Star Award Syllabus Outline

The 5 Star Award Syllabus is seen as a long term athlete development pathway.  This means that it will take participants a much longer time to achieve than the Paddle Passport. This is due to the need for participants to be able to demonstrate the appropriate skills on both a flat water and white-water environment.

1 Star Award is aimed at introducing the essentials of canoe slalom. They will be introduced to basic rules of Canoe Slalom, basic safety and rescue skills to be safe on the water and the basic techniques that are involved in canoe slalom.  It is designed to give participants the opportunity to explore the world of Canoe Slalom to prepare them to be able to take part in their first canoe slalom race.

2 and 3 Star Award are aimed at refining the essentials of Canoe Slalom. More rules will be introduced to the participant alongside a greater level of understanding and practical ability in rescue skills. They will also be introduced to more advanced Canoe Slalom techniques that will allow them to be more dynamic in a race. It continues to give the participants the opportunity to explore the world of Canoe Slalom and to prepare them to take part in their first Canoe Slalom race on Grade 1 White Water.

4 and 5 Star Award are aimed at refining their skills as a Canoe Slalom athlete. At this stage it is expected that participants will have an in-depth knowledge of the rules of canoe slalom alongside a sound understanding of rescue skills both on flat and white water. They will also be able to demonstrate the advanced canoe slalom techniques. These awards focus on developing the participant's ability to demonstrate advanced canoe slalom techniques in a Grade 2/3 environment. It continues to give the participants the opportunity to explore the world of canoe slalom and to prepare them to take part in their first canoe slalom race on Grade 2/3 White Water.

Throughout the syllabus all levels have been divided into paddling culture, river skills and slalom techniques. This has been done to make sure that the participant has the relevant skills they will need to progress whether this be in canoe slalom or in the wider paddle sport arena


There will be no formal assessment during the sessions, instead the through the games and exercises the coaches set will be able to get the participants to show the required skills. Once these skills have been shown the coach will sign of the specific award and they will be able to progress on to the next level.

At our annual prizegiving all those who have completed a Star Award will be announced and those who have completed the 5 Star Award Programme will be presented with a certificate.